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The Algorithms


// Compute the node priorities, which will be used to determine the order in which we perform transposed DFS.
const getNodePriorities = (graph: number[][], visited: boolean[], stack: number[], node: number) => {
  if (visited[node]) {
  visited[node] = true;

  for (const dest of graph[node]) {
    getNodePriorities(graph, visited, stack, dest);
  // Nodes that end their DFS earlier are pushed onto the stack first and have lower priority.

// Return the transpose of graph. The tranpose of a directed graph is a graph where each of the edges are flipped.
const transpose = (graph: number[][]): number[][] => {
  let transposedGraph = Array(graph.length);
  for (let i = 0; i < graph.length; ++i) {
    transposedGraph[i] = [];

  for (let i = 0; i < graph.length; ++i) {
    for (let j = 0; j < graph[i].length; ++j) {

  return transposedGraph;

// Computes the SCC that contains the given node
const gatherScc = (graph: number[][], visited: boolean[], node: number, scc: number[]) => {
  if (visited[node]) {
  visited[node] = true;

  for (const dest of graph[node]) {
    gatherScc(graph, visited, dest, scc);

 * @function kosajaru
 * @description Given a graph, find the strongly connected components(SCC). A set of nodes form a SCC if there is a path between all pairs of points within that set.
 * @Complexity_Analysis
 * Time complexity: O(V + E). We perform two DFS twice, and make sure to visit each disconnected graph. Each DFS is O(V + E).
 * Space Complexity: O(V + E). This space is required for the transposed graph.
 * @param {[number, number][][]} graph - The graph in adjacency list form
 * @return {number[][]} - An array of SCCs, where an SCC is an array with the indices of each node within that SCC.
 * @see
export const kosajaru = (graph: number[][]): number[][] => {
  let visited = Array(graph.length).fill(false);

  let stack: number[] = [];
  for (let i = 0; i < graph.length; ++i) {
    getNodePriorities(graph, visited, stack, i);

  const transposedGraph = transpose(graph);

  let sccs = [];
  for (let i = stack.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
    if (!visited[stack[i]]) {
      let scc: number[] = [];
      gatherScc(transposedGraph, visited, stack[i], scc);
  return sccs;